Dr Joanna Roszak
Roszak Joanna

Dr Joanna Roszak

WP Leader

PhD a graduate of the University of Łódź, Faculty of Biology and Earth Sciences (specialization: microbiology). In 2010 obtained the title of doctor of medical sciences. Since 1999 employed at the Institute of Occupational Medicine in Łódź at the Department of Toxicology and Carcinogenesis.

From 2016, head of the Molecular Toxicology Laboratory (currently incorporated into the Department of Transitional Research), implementing and performing tests using alternative methods to animal testing in the Good Laboratory Practice system; included in EU-NETVAL – European Union Network of Laboratories for the Validation of Alternative Methods. Responsible for supervising research on the pre-validation of the T-screen test as part of the NETVAL activity.

From 2021, head of the National Center for Alternative Methods in Toxicity Assessment. Co-author of over 30 publications, member of Polish Society of Toxicology (PTTox).

Current research activity: assessment of basic cytotoxicity and the mechanisms responsible for their induction; genotoxicity / mutagenicity assessment (thymidine kinase gene mutation test on murine lymphoma cells and in vitro micronucleus test); nanotoxicology; signal transduction pathways; gene expression.
