Prof. Dr. Ir. Tamara Vanhaecke
Vanhaecke Tamara

Prof. Dr. Ir. Tamara Vanhaecke

WP Leader

Head, In Vitro Toxicology and Dermato-Cosmetology (Vrije Universiteit Brussel). Tamara Vanhaecke is Full Professor Toxicology and Head of the Department In Vitro Toxicology and Dermato-Cosmetology (IVTD) at the faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), that is striving for excellence in the domain of 3R alternative methods, referring to the Reduction, Replacement, Refinement of animal use in research and (regulatory) testing. She has a background in cell and gene biotechnology, holds a doctoral degree in experimental in vitro toxicology, is a European registered toxicologist and a trained chemical risk assessor. Her research is focused on the development and optimization of human relevant liver-based in vitro systems to be used for the detection of chemical-induced liver toxicity and in vitro modelling of liver diseases. She also has several research collaborations with Sciensano (Belgian public institution for public and animal health) that address toxicity concerns related to different types of consumer products including e-cigarettes, food contact materials, cosmetics and feminine intimate products. She has more than 180 scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals and books, and is reviewer for several scientific journals in the field of pharmaco-toxicology, (in vitro) toxicology and hepatology. At the European level, she is Member of the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS).
