Immunotoxicity with a significant focus on the use of the whole blood assay – online course

Immunotoxicity with a significant focus on the use of the whole blood assay – online course

Another excellent Science&T echnology event took place in November. This time we had the opportunity to learn more about immunotoxicity with a significant focus on the use of the whole blood assay. The theoretical course was held online (from 8th till 12th November) and was conducted in parallel with the practical workshop in Milan (from 8th till 26th November).

The course was organized by the team from University of Milan and covered a broad range of topics , presented by specialists from Italy and the USA. After an introduction, presenting various aspects of immunotoxicity, each day focused on different techniques for assessing immunotoxicity, with an emphasis put on alternative methods. The whole event consisted of 10 sessions, covering i.a. the review of in vitro methods for imunotoxicology assessment, the theoretical and practical aspects of whole blood assay as well as a computational approach called the Universal Immune System Simulator (UISS). Each lecture was followed up by a Q&A session, allowing the participants to discuss presented issues.

The S&T course was a great chance to explore the complex topics of immunotoxicity. Thanks to the rich agenda and varied lectures, it was very interesting and informative, building a good basis for the participants to broaden the knowledge further.