Joint 3R Sympozium

Joint 3R Sympozium

Joint 3R Symposium, held on 19-21 September 2023, was a final event of the TWINALT project dedicated to the most advanced 3R-alternative models. During these 3 days participants had the possibility to get closer to newest research carried on the brain and reproductive organs as well as in such complex fields as neurology, reproductive biology, neurotoxicology and reproductive toxicology – all in a spirit of the 3R principle. Presentations regarding the achieved TWINALT project objectives were performed during the special closed session on the first day (Consortium Event), while Young Scientists Competition consisting of oral and poster presentations with a special prize of 250€ each took place on the second day of the symposium. Besides sharing the knowledge while presenting, participants had the opportunity to informally discuss during coffee breaks when poster sessions were carried out as well.