An Open Day at the Nofer Institute Of Occupational Medicine

An Open Day at the Nofer Institute Of Occupational Medicine

On September 13, 2022, at the Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine (NIOM), an Open Day was held, as part of the Twinalt project. Almost 70 high school students participated in the event. Young people had the opportunity to broaden their knowledge of alternative methods for toxicity assessment as well as learn about the practical aspects of laboratory work.

The day started with a lecture on the issues related to alternative methods for toxicity assessment and the scientific activity of the Department of Translational Research at NIOM. In the practical part, the students got acquainted with the basic tool of a laboratory technician – a pipette – as well as a system for high-content analysis. In addition, they gained knowledge in the field of cell culture and cytotoxicity assessment using the MTT test or techniques used in genetic research.

The visit at NIOM ended with a quiz checking the knowledge gained during the Open Day, and the best and fastest participants were awarded. Also, every student received a small gift.

We hope that these workshops will be the first step in many scientific careers